“We make it easy to invest”

Profit Share Offers

Joint Venture with us on any of our available projects and share the profits
upon completion and sale of the properties. Submit your interest below to
invest with a profit share on our value add development projects.


High Return Offers

We welcome you to join us in our project with the following high return
rates of:

  • 12% for less than $250,000 contributions
  • 15% for contributions between $250,000 and $500,000
  • 20% for contributions of $500,000 plus

4 Easy steps to start investing

  1. Submit your interest
    • We will contact you and schedule a meeting
  2. Tell us your investment goals
    • We will prepare an Investment Agreement based on your preferred
      investment strategy.
  3.  You decide to proceed
    • Transfer funds and your investment term begins.
  4. Start earning high returns

Ready to invest? Submit your interest now!